Study on killing effect on aerosol microorganism by pulse electric field and its mechanism

REN Zhe,YANG Quan1, WEI Yuan1
( Institute of Disease Control and Prevention of PLA, Beijing 100071; 1 Chongqing Pargo Machinery Equipment Co., ltd.China)
Abstract Objective

To study the killing effect of aerosol microorganism by pulse electric field ( PEF) and its mechanism.


According to“air disinfection effect of evaluation test”in the second edition of“disinfection inspection
and the technical normalization procedures”( 2002) , the modified field test and field test were used to evaluate the killing effect of PEF. Flow cytometric method was used for airborne cell analysis by PI /TO with double stains.


After the Pulse electric field air disinfector operating for 120 min, the averaged killing rate of B. subtilis var. niger in aerosol room was 99. 16% on the condition of 23 ~ 24 ℃ in temperature and 64% ~ 74% in relative humidity. When the pulse electric field air disinfector ran 8 h everyday on high wind speed which procedure kept on going for 180 d , the rates of killing bacteria were all over 90% on the 1st, 7th, 14th, 30th, 60th, 90th day. FCM tests results indicated the increased membrane permeability and DNA degradation of Staphylococcus albus strains when the aerosol was exposed for 20 min by PEF.

The PEF air disinfector can kill 99.16% of B.subtilis var.niger by working for 120 min. The disinfector can
keep good disinfection effect after long time using. FCM results show that Staphylococcus albus cells and DNA are broken by pulse electric field.
Key words pulse electric field; air disinfector; B. subtilis var. niger; DNA damage


The core technology of pulse electric field ( PEF) was designed in our AP600ta air disinfection type purifier.

When the polluted air enters the core PEF component of the air sterilizer purifier, the ultra energetc ions generated by the ultra energetc pulses in the core component impact on the molecular bonds of the pollutants, causing the C-C and C-H bonds which form the molecular bonds of most harmful microorganisms and gases to break, so the harmful microorganisms are killed as their DNA are destroyed and the harmful gases such as Formaldehyde (HCHO) and Benzene (C6H6) are cracked into CO2 and H2O. This air purifier has been tested by the professional lab that its virus killing efficiency is 99.9%. 

air disinfection part

Post time: Jan-18-2021